Come together to accomplish more than any one company could alone!
The International Fresh Produce Association’s grassroots efforts take many forms – what it needs to be successful is the efforts you and your company are willing to put in! The Advocacy Action Network is the official grassroots advocacy campaign of IFPA, a growing community of action-focused supporters.
Advocacy Action Network keeps you informed about the issues that matter most, provides the platform and tools for all advocates needed to share your opinion with key legislators to make difference.
We are here to help you grow your business and grow the future of the fresh produce industry by connecting you with decision makers that can change the trajectory of your business and our industry by becoming your advocates on Capitol Hill.
Now more than ever, it’s time for you to help to shape government policy to drive produce industry growth and success. Threats of punitive legislation and regulatory burdens challenge our profitability, while nutrition and health concerns provide new opportunities - both need to be addressed.
By engaging with your Members of Congress and Administration in Washington DC and at home, you ensure that the produce industry’s voice is heard.
Discover all the success our advocacy team had in 2022:
Take Action
- Call your U.S. Senator to demand immigration reform
- Request that your representative co-sponsor H.R.5309 Fresh Produce Procurement Reform Act
- Read up on our 2023 Policy Priorities, identified through the recent member survey.
How Can You Engage?
- Collaborate on Congressional Tours of your operation
- Host a political event that supports pro-produce candidates
- Deliver timely issue specific communications to elected leaders
- Attend community and national events that raise awareness for your region
- Use social media and digital advocacy tools to tell your story
- Collaborate with influential government officials now so when an issue arises you have a strong relationship already established